Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Primed and (Sometimes) Ready

See Randy run. See Randy pant.

See Randy puzzle over inconsistency.

My tracking app tells me that my 13.5 kilometers this week is a new record for me. That 4.5 Km average for three runs is not bad for a guy who two months ago couldn’t have run to the mail box.

But what I don’t understand, and what veteran runners have not yet been able to explain to me, is why on one day, Wednesday of this week, for example, I can run a good pace for distance and time and feel good when it’s done, and then two days later under similar conditions, 1/2 of a kilometer into the run feel like I’m near death and never going to ever attempt such foolishness again.

On the way to work the other day I saw a gal running. This very little part of me whispered in my ear, “I’d like to be doing that.” That very little part of me went on vacation today.


More on Hell


A VERY Crooked Stick


  1. Sometimes it is simply how much you have slept, how hydrated you are, what you ate for lunch the day before and a myriad of other physical, emotional and psychological influences on your body. What people fail to remember is that our bodies are not machines, they are highly organized living organisms that react to our environment and psyche in a very complex way.

    One of the things that I love about being a yoga practitioner is that there is an acknowledgment that your abilities and your body’s thresholds of strength, flexibility, etc. are extremely variable and change from day-to-day. Some days I can almost touch my toes, and others I am lucky to be able to touch my knees 🙂 But regardless of what I can do or how I feel, I can always find something to do on the mat that makes my body better, stronger and healthier.

    Maybe on the days you can barely run you should just take a walk?

    • “…our bodies are not machines…”

      Now that is wisdom! Obvious, but really full of wisdom. The complexity of the human body is amazing and I really should celebrate the days it all comes together and not bemoan the days it doesn’t.

      But just walk? What would I do with my pride, then? Oh, wait, that’s another category altogether.

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