My “spunky lady” pushed me today. She surprised me by demanding that I run 20 minutes uninterrupted. I thought she was being a bit overly confident in my status, since to date we’ve interlaced running and walking. But what she says, I do.

Found out why I pay her the big bucks. I did 3.21 kilometers in 21:30 (I did not want to stop – imagine that!). I know, I’m not setting any speed records here. That’s a 5K in about 33:29. But still.

My son’s had a rough go of it. He took a couple days off last week complaining of soreness. My wife took him to the store on Monday and found out his shoes were two sizes too small. (Who ARE these parents, anyway?) That afternoon, I ate his dust.

But then he got a bad cold and has taken two more days off. And yet, something tells me that ten-year old legs are a bit more resilient than 54 year old legs. He should do fine.