Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Happy and Bright

Over the years people have grown concerned about the title of my blog.

“Randy,” some would say, “We don’t think you should write about all those depressing subjects. Why don’t you write about cheery stuff. Then you would not have to call your blog by such a somber name.”

Others were concerned that associating the name of this blog with the name of the church I pastor would give the impression that life in this congregation is a downer experience.

One person judged just by the name that I was writing a blog about depression, and didn’t think I should do that.

So, I’m here to say that I’ve heard you all. Starting today, the name of my blog is no longer ‘Somber and Dull’ but rather ‘Happy and Bright’. There will be, I promise, no more sober dullness, but rather wall-to-wall bunnies and sunshine.

Welcome, my friends, to the debut of ‘Happy and Bright’!

Be sure to check back through the day. We are celebrating the launch of our ‘new attitude’ with some highly important announcements.


Major Design Change Coming


A Day for Changes


  1. Suffice it to say I'm not thrilled with the change. All that bright yellow and green is hard on the eyes. Besides, I happen to know how you feel about those "happy all the day" sentiments. If you immediately change back to your previous title and colors, we can say this was "a one day wonder." Or a good April Fool's joke.

  2. Dear Mr. or Ms. Grumpypants Anonymous:Get sunglasses.Don't worry. Be Happy.Sincerely, The Staff at Happy and Bright

  3. Wow, I for one love the smilely faces. Dad I think it's fair to say that you are out of control. This is a April fools day joke right?I mean not the green and yellow are not good spring colors and all…Posted from my iPhone so I am not responsable for any spelling or gramatical errors.

  4. Boy. I try to change my image and become more positive, and everyone things I'm joking. I'll need to work harder at this, for sure.

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