I’ve already weighed in on Pixar’s Up. That I am a fan is no secret.

It has been wisely pointed out that a book is not fully enjoyed until it is read by friends and discussed. The same must be said about movies. I suppose it is true with any art. Though it can be experienced individually, it is meant to be experienced communally.

Since Uphas now come out on DVD, I’ve had the pleasure of watching it three more times. The pleasure now comes in watching the movie with others.

We recommended the film to some film lovers the other day, and they were hesitant, saying they were not great fans of animated movies. I was reminded, though, that this is one of those unique movies which SEEMS to be for children, but which has layers that make it worth the attention of the more discerning adult. My daughter-in-law pointed out a theme in the film that I had totally overlooked, which enriched the experience for me.

Art, I repeat, is enhanced when experienced communally.

* * * * *

I commented earlier that I did not think the 3D features of the theatrical release added anything to the movie. Having seen it now on my tiny 27″, low definition, analog TV, I find that nothing is lost. The power is not in the 3D effects, but in masterful storytelling.