Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Common Sense Anyone?

This is really hard to fathom.

I always want to give people in these situations the benefit of the doubt. I’m sure the school officials here really are bound by the law and have no choice. I suspect that they see this as being as absurd as I do.

But when we attempt to regulate every behavior by law and not wisdom this is what results.

I suppose that the next time Zachary or any other wants to take out the eyes of a classmate (a fear mentioned in the article), he’ll need to use a pencil.

Oh, wait… are those still allowed?


Context and Rethinking


A Sequel


  1. Gail and Keith

    Keith's comment exactly–what about pencils? When my sister was little she got jabbed on the nose near her eye with a pencil which left a tiny graphite dot when somehow a door shut on her and said pencil. I can see the movie now: The pencil wars!G

  2. Adria

    Yeah, I got jabbed with a pencil by a "classmate", in my neck, and have a permenant tatoo.

  3. Randy Greenwald

    Yes, and the above mentioned Adria was homeschooled. Figure that one out!

  4. Seth

    Well, Adria, you should know better than to make me mad!

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