I normally post these tidbits on Sunday, but this has been an atypical week and so this is as soon as I could get to it. Some interesting stuff here:

On Singleness. Those of us who are not single would benefit from reading this honest post by someone who is. A quote to whet your appetite:

That’s the trick about marriage as a goal. It’s not like learning to dance, or committing to losing weight. It doesn’t take will power to find a mate. It takes a mate. It takes a miracle. Oh, that I could just go to the store and pick one up!

The rest of us have so much to learn.

Where have stories gone?
Seems an odd project for MIT.

While we are referencing the NY Times, some other tidbits:
The current economic downturn may open up opportunities for ministry, if we understand the importance of community. What do you think?

Stats can be misleading, but it turns out that TV watchers are less happy. Hmmm.

We all hate phone menus. This is why. (Thanks, Gail, for this one.)

And this, from James Fallows. This is why I like this guy’s blog. He’s liberal and progressive and articulate, so he makes me think. But his interests vary widely, and I like that. Read his post on Why didn’t I know this before? (Math dept: Benford’s law). Fascinating.

And finally, if you want to be challenged in prayer, and you’ve not already seen Geoff’s post, read this.