Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

They Love Us?!

My brother and his wife from Ohio just called. They are coming to visit.


It’s because they love us, right? Sure. But one can’t discount this:

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The History Channel Bible II


The Most Important Thing


  1. Adrianna

    Yes, but look at Loveland’s high for Saturday; it’s not much warmer than that right now where we are. I speak as one who DOES NOT like out current low temps.
    But have fun w/ your guests. Will you be taking them to the beach?

  2. Jenny

    Ha – I did the reverse when I headed to Dayton right after Christmas to visit Sarah Kaye. SNOW-POCALYPSE!! well – it was for me. I mean there were snow plows and everything. At one point Sarah did mutter that I was a “green” but I had fun!

    • I wouldn’t mind visiting snow-pocalypse (or the recent snow-quester) but I’m kinda glad that I live somewhere people come from out of town to visit. Speaking of which….

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