Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

The End of the World, Part II

A couple of weeks ago I posted with the title, “The End of the World.” One reader saw my title and thought I was referring to Harold Camping’s latest date for the return of Jesus. I was unaware that Mr. Camping was still in the date setting business, having been wrong so often before, or that there were still those willing to take him this seriously.

But as these things go, I was reminded of the simple adage that in pointing a finger at another, there are at least three pointing back at me. Harold Camping is easy to mock and easy to scorn. His mishandling of scripture and his rejection of church history and the wisdom of fellow Christians are all worthy of critique. His mistakes and his sin have led many astray, and that is to be lamented and condemned.

And yet what of me? Reflecting on this reminds me of the fear that often comes upon me when I contemplate stepping into the pulpit. I am charged with the responsibility of rightfully presenting the truth of God. And so I am driven to ask, “Am I getting it right?” Knowing the importance of doing so, and knowing as well my weaknesses, I am in awe at the weight of the task.

The preacher’s frustration is to think that no one is listening. His fear is the knowledge that they are.

[That might even be “tweetable”, there!]


Love Is Poured Out


The End of the World, Part III

1 Comment

  1. Jeff

    Even scarier: to think that my listeners might actually put my words into practice!

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