Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Pottery Noteriety

I have mentioned before my delight in Nigel and Cheyenne Rudolph pottery, here and here (the mug referenced in this last post has since been replaced).

Now they are experiencing greater notoriety.

The article points out the utilitarian focus of their artistic work:

“Drinking coffee out of a mug that says ‘super dad’ is awesome, but I think when you drink coffee out of a handmade cup, it kind of puts it on another level,” he said. “You are paying attention to not only the coffee, you’re paying attention to the handle and the rim.”

These extra details, not offered by mass produced mugs, make the everyday activity of drinking more special, he said.

One does not ‘use’ an oil painting on the wall the same way one uses a mug. But both are art.

I love drinking my coffee out of a work of art.

Until I drop it.

I asked Nigel if he were to grow a full beard whether he would then be a Hairy Potter, but he has not answered me yet.


Settling In, Tres


Parenting, with Caution

1 Comment

  1. TG

    Lovely! Hubby promised me a Rudolph mug for Christmas. It is yet to materialize. . . But I know he’s good for it. On our next trip to B’ton I will make SURE to get mine.

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