There has been, observers tell us, a revival of sorts throughout the land. A revival of grace.
I can’t speak for what goes on throughout the land, I can only speak for myself and my own limited circles. In my own life, an appreciation for grace has renewed me, my ministry, my preaching.
This trend is, though, to some, disturbing. It leads, it is said, toward anti-nomianism, that is, toward a disregard for the demands of biblical law. We need to preach the demands of obedience.
On the flip side are those who have been so exhausted by the demands of obedience that they flee any exposition of law. They fear any preaching suggesting that Christians must do anything. To preach the law is to denigrate our freedom in Christ.
And as these two tussle like Godzilla and King Kong, Tokyo gets destroyed. Lost in the smoke and devastation of clashing titans is the grace-filled biblical piety of those who simply love Jesus because he first loved them, and act out of the strength and freedom of that love.
It’s a shame that Tokyo gets squished. I like Tokyo.