The Bible presents a strong case for the death penalty. Because of that I have for most of my adult life supported it as a necessary aspect of honoring the image of God in humanity.
However, asked the other day whether I am a supporter or not, I had to say that I was not. Capital punishment may have its place in a context of justice, but where justice is elusive, I question its use.
Two things in particular shake my confidence in our ability as humans to adequately apply such a final judgment. The first is the inequality of the judicial process, fueled by money. If you are rich, normally white, you can afford a clever and skilled defense team, and stand a far better chance of being freed. If you are poor, normally black, and can’t afford a strong defense, you are more likely to be convicted and condemned. This is an inequity that I cannot countenance.
The other reality which shakes my confidence is the possibility of wrong convictions. When a man imprisoned for life is shown to be innocent, there is at least a chance for him to regain some experience of life. When one who is executed is exonerated, it is too late.
My convictions were formed prior to reading this article, but it is a fascinating story which reminds us that the uncertainty of human judgment may have tragic consequences. Do any of us as human beings really want to have such power over life and death?
Adam Tebrugge
Thank you for your thoughtful comments.
Randy Greenwald
Thanks for reading and commenting.
I read the whole article and was overcome by a profound sense of sadness and anger.gus
Randy Greenwald
Here is the reason this matter is in the news, as expressed in the editorial pages of the Dallas newspaper.
I have long expressed this same opinion. I just have a very hard time ceding this rather final decision to the hands of government. God is sovereign over all, but we bear responsibility to act responsibly!