Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Shameless Greed

I can be bought. I confess it.

Some of you may be aware of something called ‘Mobile Me’ – an Apple online presence which offers for Mac owners seamless online back up and syncing capabilities. I’ve tried Mobile Me, and it works great. It’s really cool, but like Lauren in the Windows ads, it’s $100 price tag makes it too cool for me.


I just discovered a site that allows me to do at least one of the more useful things that Mobile Me allowed – live syncing and sharing of files, particularly large ones.

I’m speaking of Dropbox. You can visit the site to get a full explanation, but here is how it is useful for me:

Last week, our family, located in various parts of the country, filmed a birthday greeting for our daughter-in-law Amy which then, on her birthday, we wanted to share with her. The best we could do in sharing it was to send a scaled down, low-resolution version of it to her via email, and post the same on Facebook.

Dropbox, however, installs a folder on my computer. Anything I drop into that folder is copied automatically to an online server. If it is a public folder, others can access the file there. Had we done this with the 200MB video, everyone could have accessed the full hi-res movie. That’s cool.

Dropbox offers users 2GB of storage space for $100 less than Apple’s Mobile Me. For those of you no good at math, that means that it is FREE. And it plays well with all – Mac, Windows, and Linux.

And here is the great (greedy) thing: if you sign up for Dropbox through the following link, I, and you, both get extra space! How’s that for a Labor Day deal?

To Help Randy (and Yourself) Get More Space – Click Here!


“Please, Sir, I Want Some More”


Pastoral Engineering


  1. TulipGirl

    I've heard lots of good things about dropbox. . . but haven't tried it yet.

  2. Gus/Adri

    I can see the utility for you who have several computers including your family. I can only see a possible benefit to substitute dropbox for my backup hard drive.gus

  3. Randy Greenwald

    Suppose you wanted to share a large file with a son in Europe? That's the usefulness.

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