In an earlier post, I commended my friend David McWilliams’ new commentary on Galatians.

More insight into David’s work can be found in this interview.

David at one point says this:

Let me add that I don’t like what is happening to commenting today where everything that a scholar might know about a book is poured into one volume. Those commentaries might have a place but I think that scholars would serve the church well by returning to Calvin’s approach – “lucid brevity.” And so, I have attempted to say a lot in a little space, to write a commentary in which I have not said all I know about Galatians, but have attempted a true, scholarly and sound exposition that presents what I think a minister or student of the book might need to think through to preach or teach Galatians.

In this David seems to be reflecting what I find so helpful in any commentary by John Stott. If he has been successful in his goal, he will have added a significant resource to the pastor’s and teacher’s tool box.