Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

So Many Posts, So Little Time…

I have a lot of posts in the queue and on my mind, but I’m plum out of time for composing them. So, apart from a couple of pre-planned posts, Somber and Dull will grow quiet for a week.

You see, this afternoon, the whole family travels up to Tampa to be present as our son Seth formally graduates with a degree in interior design. (Yea, Seth!) Then, after that, we travel to North Carolina for our annual camping trip. All six children will be there, all three children-in-law, both grandsons, our daughter-in-law’s parents and brother, and former HPC intern Kevin McCarty, his wife Jenny, and their two children. I’ve lost count, but that is in the vicinity of 20 of us. Should be a great time.

Hopefully I’ll be back in the swing of things the week of the 29th!


Interactive Preaching


Abortion and Slavery


  1. Gail and Keith

    Congratulations to Seth on reaching his goal!

  2. MagistraCarminum

    ah Seth, and have a wonderful week!

  3. TulipGirl

    Have a wonderful time! We'll miss you. Can't wait to see the pics!

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