It is an ADD morning for me. Distractions don’t have to be large to be successful. So this crossed my desktop:
One person who attended a church service was not a native English speaker, and after the sermon greeted the preacher with great enthusiasm, saying, “Oh, pastor, thank you so much. Your sermon was absolutely superfluous!”
The pastor choked down a chuckle and responded, a bit tongue-in-cheek, “I’m glad you liked it. I’m thinking of having it published posthumously.”
With equal enthusiasm the person shot back, “Oh! The sooner the better!”
This made me wonder: if things done after we die are done ‘posthumously’, is it proper to say that I’m working on my sermon this morning ‘prehumously’?
Okay. Back to work.
Bill Martin's Personal Ramblings
I think you have chosen the correct term. The antonym has grave implications.
Grave implications? *groans*
*dies laughing*