Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Before I Die?

It is an ADD morning for me. Distractions don’t have to be large to be successful. So this crossed my desktop:

One person who attended a church service was not a native English speaker, and after the sermon greeted the preacher with great enthusiasm, saying, “Oh, pastor, thank you so much. Your sermon was absolutely superfluous!”

The pastor choked down a chuckle and responded, a bit tongue-in-cheek, “I’m glad you liked it. I’m thinking of having it published posthumously.”

With equal enthusiasm the person shot back, “Oh! The sooner the better!”

This made me wonder: if things done after we die are done ‘posthumously’, is it proper to say that I’m working on my sermon this morning ‘prehumously’?

Okay. Back to work.


Lawyers and Doctors and Preachers, Oh My!


Gran Torino


  1. Bill Martin's Personal Ramblings

    I think you have chosen the correct term. The antonym has grave implications.

  2. TulipGirl

    Grave implications? *groans*

  3. Seth

    *dies laughing*

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