Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Honest Evangelistic Strategy (!)

The elders of Hope Church have been wrestling with some weighty issues recently, and so this last Wednesday night we discussed a new, honest, evangelistic strategy. It goes like this: “Come to Jesus, and someday, you, too, may be able to become an elder and suffer and bleed, just like us.”

We decided that was a bit too honest, and probably not very effective.

A pastor friend wrote me a great note to go along with this. I alluded to him that our elders are facing some difficult things, but I have not told him a thing about the details. Nevertheless he said, “Read Psalm 62. This is just the crap that humans do to each other without realizing feelings are at stake. They act out of fear. All of us. Hang in there.”

He can speak accurately because he has been there. He’s walked down the path that leaders in the church must walk.

I share this not to garner sympathy for me, but to encourage prayer for leaders in the church. Those who take ministry seriously bear burdens they cannot share with even their own families. Pray that God will grant them grace and perseverance.

Pray mostly for their encouragement.

And who knows. Someday maybe you, too….


The Free Throw


Calvinism Is Hip Again

1 Comment

  1. TulipGirl

    OT. . . I’ve been waiting for the 3/1 sermon to come online — 3/8 is up now. I guess that means 3/1 didn’t get recorded? (I wanted to pass the link on to some friends.)

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