Caught your attention, didn’t I?
(You can relax, Barb.)
When I preach, I can look out upon a congregation and have a basic idea of, if not to whom I am preaching, at least how many.
Not so when blogging.
So, I subscribe to a couple of services which give a rough estimate of how many people on any given day or week or month stop by the blog. I can’t tell exactly who visits, but I can tell a lot about them. I know what country they are from, what operating system their computer is using, what browser they use, and, interestingly, what led them to the blog and what they looked at while there.
Yes, when you walk on the web, you leave LOTS of footprints (or ‘pootfrints’ as my son used to say).
Here is the interesting thing: the most frequently viewed page of all the posts I have written is one entitled The Emerging Blogger. This post was not particularly interesting or relevant or provocative. All I say in it is that I was resuming blogging after a lengthy hiatus. Hence the title.
But in our current ecclesiastical climate, ’emerging’ is a hip word attached to a movement in the church which has stirred up quite a bit of interest. My guess is that people looking into the subject search the web for those blogging from within the emerging movement. As they search, they end up at my site, on the basis of the title alone.
I’m sure they are then greatly disappointed, as will be any who came to this post interested in who knows what. I’m just curious if THIS title rises up to challenge ’emerging’.
Talk about attention-grabbing headlines…!G&A
Our Berlin-based photographer has a sure-fire formula for pepping up a boring headline: “A Century After Hitler’s Parents Have Sex, Polish Stocks Little Changed”
Randy Greenwald
Love it. The ‘s’ word does it every time!