Though there are those who would rightly question it, I do have a real, bonafide day job (though as a pastor I only ‘work’ one day/week, as everyone knows). During some seasons of the year, that day job becomes quite full and begins to impinge upon my second job, that of being a father and husband and grandfather in a family and taking care of the responsibilities and joys of that family.
Blog writing has been woven into the pulses and cycles of those responsibilities with some success over the past several months. Not so much this past week, and these next couple of weeks look no better.
It seems I’m having now to work TWO days/week (think of it!) and the Christmas season seems to put time pressure on everything else. This makes it hard to predict the frequency or depth of posts. I think they’ll drop off a bit in both areas.
My real sorrow here is having to suspend my regular Friday posts on sanctification. Some of you have raised some very good questions which I really want to answer, but to answer thoughtfully and carefully. I’m afraid those are going to have to wait.
Be patient with me! There are some really good things in the queue!
OT. . . you mentioned a recent study that was the source for some of your stats this morning. . . to which study were you referring? (*blush* Yes, I’m a demographics geek.)