Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Happy Anniversery

Barb and I have been so focused and consumed today that it was not until late afternoon that we realized that this is our 31st anniversary. Yes, I know that we were married in July of 1978. I know that because 7/8/78 is engraved on the inside of my wedding ring. (If you click on this picture, and zoom in on the large ring, you can almost read it.) And, of course, 7/8/78 is a very easy date to remember!

However, 12-17-77 is inscribed on the inside of Barb’s engagement ring. That is the date that really matters. On that day I hazarded a proposal to my dearest friend Barbara Kay Black, that she do the unthinkable and commit the rest of her life to being joined to me. She said yes. Amazing.

The two scriptures that I used in framing the question were the following. One reflects the great desire she had had for some time. The other reflects the realization that I had found a real treasure.

Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.

I have found a good thing and have obtained favor from the Lord.


Two curiosities should be noted here:

1) I married a Black (Barbara Black). My brother married a White (Mary White).

2) We were married on 7/8/78. Our fourth child was born 8/9/89.

Well, I find that interesting.


He’s Human!


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  1. MagistraCarminum

    Awww- and as I recall, Miss Black came to Loveland that Christmas, and you all came to an ICY Christmas retreat I was attending and Dave was chaperoning…or something like that…That seems like a million years ago in some ways, and like yesterday in others!Love you two!

  2. TulipGirl

    *mush, mush*

  3. Randy Greenwald

    Mush is okay, right? Or at 52 is mush indecorous? Uh, Chris, it WAS a million years ago. Shall we look in the mirror? 🙂

  4. TulipGirl

    Mushiness is always good. *grin*

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