Gus is an elder emeritus here at Hope Presbyterian Church. If you know him, you know that he is not a publicity hound. He is not after his own glory. He simply cares about Christ and his church.
However, Gus does have some notoriety. Some of you may know that he came to faith through the ministry of Jack Miller. If you are unfamiliar with that story, you can go here and read about it. The ‘Gus’ in this account is our Gus.
The book, by the way, is a book worth buying.
Gail and Keith
I have that book and if you leave your kid as a ransom, you may borrow it. I don’t want to lose it. :-)Gail
The book is in the church library also.I’m glad to share “my” Gus with all y’all.–ae
Randy Greenwald
So, are we going to borrow Gus, or the book?