Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Sunday Preparation

Satan loves to have our hearts distracted when we go to worship, and he delights in our demeaning of the value of the preached Word. There is a battle in our hearts to treat the Word as that which is more valuable than rubies. The Puritan preacher and scholar Thomas Watson new that battle, and challenges us to look with seriousness upon that treasure which is the Word preached. Says Watson,

“Do we prize it [the preached Word] in our judgments? Do we receive in into our hearts? Do we fear the loss of the Word preached more than the loss of peace and trade? Is it the removal of the ark that troubles us? Again, do we attend to the Word with reverential devotion? When the judge is giving the charge on the bench, all attend. When the Word is preached, the great God is giving us his charge. Do we listen to it as to a matter of life and death? This is a good sign that we love the Word.

I trust that these sentiments will soften our hearts as we prepare to hear the Word this Lord’s day.


I’m sorry that I can’t reference the exact source of that quote. It was sent to me from a good friend in Toronto who picked it up from this on-line source. If anyone knows its actual source in Watson’s writings, I’d love to know.

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  1. Anonymous

    It’s from: The Godly Man’s Picture, by Thomas Watson, a Puritan Paperback edition published by the Banner of Truth.It can be purchased through for $8.00.

  2. Randy Greenwald

    Hey, I don’t know who you are Mr/Ms Anonymous Person, but thanks for the info!

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