Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Well Said

It’s a cliche to say “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

But in the case of this post, I absolutely could not have said this better. Even if you do not understand some of the references in the post, catch the gist of it. We can make the idea of the perfect family a destructive idol and not even know it.

Read this. Let me know what you think. I could not have said it better myself, and now that it has been so well said, I don’t have to!

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  1. TulipGirl

    It’s very. . . encouraging. . . to have someone who has both “gone the distance” in parenting as well as still being in the thick of it to affirm the path that we are traveling along with our children.And I certainly to appreciate you sharing your experience and wisdom as a pastor and father.

  2. TulipGirl

    And I say “traveling” because I know that we’ve neither arrived nor will the path be free of valleys. . .

  3. MagistraCarminae

    Excellent post and excellent comment. It is so very easy for us to worry about pleasing other men, and fool ourselves into thinking we are pleasing God. And when we manage to keep up the illusion of “perfection” for a time (and we can never do it indefinitely) all we do is alienate ourselves from our kids, and from the others we could be encouraging or helping to bear burdens, and from a real and honest relationship with the Lord. It is so self-destructive, and so very easy to do.

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