“Don’t panic.” This is the best advice to come from England since “tea is meant to be bitter, like beer is meant to be bitter”. That it was not made famous by a Christian is too bad, but it is great advice.
Everywhere I turn, I encounter more dire warnings and urgent alerts regarding The Golden Compass. This is going to be the most well known new movie release among Christians since The DaVinci Code.
I was handed an article today by Albert Mohler regarding this movie and the books upon which it is based. I was worried that it would be another voice fanning the hysteria.
It isn’t. Mohler clearly states the content and agenda of the books. Of this we should be aware. But he does not recommend a shrill response, but a reasoned one.
He admits that we face a real challenge… but the challenge is not the movie(s) themselves. The challenge is to respond carefully and winsomely to the movie(s).
We should be grieved whenever Christ is attacked and whenever his work is mocked. But we should not panic. Those who do not trust in the providence of God panic. But we should not panic. Christ is still on the throne. He is building his church. And the novels of Pullman shall not prevail against it.
By the way, the tea advice? That was George Orwell. We have Douglas Adams to think for the other.
wise words from Mohler — and you. –ae