In our community group meeting last night, we were discussing things we ‘desire’ in preparation for our study of Galatians 5.

One member said that she wanted some day to see a glacier. Another said she hoped to see whales in the wild. We laughed as we realized that if we planned it right, the two of them could in some places stand on a glacier and watch the whales.

Then another member of the group said that she dreamed someday of seeing the ‘Great Whale of China’. She turned red, and the rest of us laughed ourselves silly… we, uh, wailed with laughter.

Such times are precious. I’m grateful for Christian friends and for the fellowship of laughter. We had a good study of Scripture and a good time in prayer, and a good laugh. What more could one ask for?

And I pray that some day she will be able to see the Great Whale of China.