Over the next few days I’d like to share with you three quotes relative to the issue of abortion that I have picked up. The sources are diverse and the perspective may not be your own. However, they are reflective of how people really think, and so they are worth pondering.

The first came from the broadcast of a speech on ‘reproductive justice’ which I heard on WMNF, the local community radio station which blesses me with great music as well as with commentary that is generally of a persuasion the polar opposite of my own. Stimulating.

I cannot tell you who was speaking, but her words were so clear that I wrote the what she said easily word for word. Here was her comment:

“I am a Roe baby. I was literally born two days after Roe was announced. And I feel fortunate to have grown up in an era in which abortion was legal. This was a right denied my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother.

I appreciate that these are the sincere and deeply felt sentiments of a passionate person. But can she not see what she is saying? Had that ‘right’ been granted her mother, grandmother, or great-grandmother, would she even be alive to have these sentiments? She should feel fortunate — fortunate to have had the right to grow up!

That is a right that has been denied to millions since.

Very sad.

[Note: I was not able to listen to the rest of her speech. Perhaps she qualified her statements in the body of the speech. If so, I am prepared to be corrected.]