One of the most profound privileges that God in his kind providence has given to me in my years of ministry here has been that of coming to know and to love the man pictured here. Bill Mills is the president of Leadership Resources, International, a conference and training ministry based out of the Chicago area. Bill has a deep love for Christ, a profound grasp of the big picture of Scripture, and a passion for God and his church. He has had the opportunity to share that passion with Hope Church a number of times over the years, and all who have been under his ministry have found it to be deeply moving.

We will have this opportunity again this Fall as Bill leads for us a one day conference on Sunday, September 23.

I had the privilege a few weeks ago of seeing Bill and having lunch with him. It was, as always, an extremely encouraging time. To give those of you who might not know Bill an insight into his heart, I would like to share with you a brief excerpt from a note that Bill sent to me afterwards.

I think what amazed me most as we sat and talked together was the process that God’s taken us both through over many years with our ministry relationships, our circumstances and our children to shape us for who He desires us to be and serve Him the way He has called us to serve. I think that one of the “attributes” of God that I’ve learned over the last several years is that He is absolutely relentless! More and more I’m convinced that He is far more concerned about who we become than what we accomplish. It’s good to be in that process in our Father’s sovereign timing and in His care as well.

Do plan if at all possible to be with us on September 23. We will share more details later.