I’ve had people come to me personally and speak about how they have struggled with Mother’s Day at times in their lives. That is why the last post. I tend to be a bit down on all Hallmark Holidays. Renee, with whom I’ve worked for over a dozen years and who is a dear friend, notes every year when I ignore (purposefully) what used to be called ‘Secretary’s Day’ and then became ‘Administrative Assistant’s Day’ and is now who knows what. I hope she hears me speak my appreciation and acknowledge her contribution many times during the year, unprogrammed and uncoerced.

Adri Espino moved from what I said to some memories of her own which I found insightful. She granted me permission to share it with you all. Thanks, Adri.

Those we love and honor should be celebrated every day. I’m reminded of something seen in The National Observer [no longer in existence] 30+ years ago. My dad was visiting and pointed it out to me; I have no idea who authored the article. The subject was special days e.g. mother’s day, father’s day et al. The quotation goes something like this: “Happy families don’t need them and miserable families can’t use them.” I find profound wisdom in that thought.

Worth thinking about.