Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

Safe Churches for Sad People

I had never heard of Nancy Guthrie until this lecture floated across my radar screen. Apparently she is a well traveled speaker (speaking in September here). Her reflections on what a church and her people should do to be a support for those who have suffered loss is greatly helpful.

Is Your Church a Safe Place for Sad People?


Reflections Meteorological


Judas and Peter


  1. My mom told me about Nancy a few weeks ago, having watched/listened to her speak at Piper’s church. She’s coming out with Bible studies for women. They sound wonderful. Here’s hoping that her stuff catches on better than, well, you know….

  2. Adri

    Thinking I’m in agreement with Staci –” well, you know….”

    • Why am I thinking primary colors and poofy hair?

      If you’d like to meet Nancy G up close and personal, she will be speaking here in Winter Springs, at Willow Creek PCA, on September 23, from 7-9 PM.

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