Some people blog for a living.

I blog between the cracks.

So my timing is often off.

Like now.

I want to wish all a happy Thanksgiving Day. I can be cynical about a lot of things (like politics) but NOT Thanksgiving Day. It is good to take some time to celebrate the good things we have and to be thankful for them.

Many in the world are thankful, but are ambiguous about the one to whom they are thankful. They are happy for their life situation without having any to whom to credit for their happiness. There is an impulse to give thanks, but no ability to fill out the contours of the object of their gratitude.

That is the goal of the Christian preacher and the Christian church: to point people to the one to whom they are thankful; to pull back the curtain and urge them to see the one from whom all good things come.

Of all that I have read in the past few days regarding the giving of thanks, the wisest comes from someone who gives no hint as to whether she has a person to whom she is directing her thanks or not. Nevertheless, her thanksgiving is full of great wisdom.

If your life is in an uncertain place, if you are on an adventure, if you long to live more adventurously but are fearful, there is wisdom here.

A sampling:

1. Be thankful for the fact that you are not bored….
2. Be thankful for the limitless possibilities an uncharted path holds….
3. Be thankful for…all the help you get from those who support you….
4. Be thankful for the opportunity (read: necessity) the path you’re on gives you to be creative….
5. Be thankful for all you do have….
6. Be thankful for the moments of joy….
7. Be thankful for the gift of passion….
8. Be thankful for being alive….

I encourage you to read the whole. Even a day late.