Concerning Life as It Is Supposed to Be

The Delight of Young Connections

Quite on a whim a few years ago, we started a family game night. Every Monday night we play a game with whomever happens to be around the house at the time. Normally that consists of Barb and me, two resident daughters, and one boyfriend.

Sometimes, the list is amplified by others our girls invite.

Two weeks ago we were joined by four college students who were traveling the country as summer interns for Chick-fil-A, plus one other CFA employee. That made for a lively and rather rambunctious evening, as we decided to play Curses (a game best played when the players are really tired, or after a glass or two of wine). Lindsay, one of the interns, was ‘cursed’ with having to imitate every motion of our eight-year-old son. She was a good sport about it. (I’ll post a video at the end. Sorry, Lindsay. It’s too good not to share!)

This past week, we were joined by two of our girls’ friends. In addition, there are two young girls, ages 17 and 20, from France visiting the US to practice their English. While here, they are staying with our neighbors across the street. Our daughter invited them to our game night, the poor things. Skip-bo was easy enough to teach them, but as there would sometimes be three English conversations going at once, I’m not sure their English benefited all that much. But they were fun to get to know, and they were wonderful sports about it.

Barb and I know that this stage in life will pass. There will come a time when Monday nights will be quiet. But for now we share in the delight of pretending we are young. It’s a delightful fantasy.


Physics for Future Presidents




  1. Matthew

    Makes non-resident family miss game night..

  2. Randy Greenwald

    Ah, yes… we miss our non-resident participants. Especially this one, the one MOST responsible for making our game night an institution by never letting us miss a night.

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